Thursday, January 24, 2013

Joy in Winter

Mongolia is known as the Land of Blue Sky. It is hardly ever overcast and cloudy here. Most days the sun is shining and the sky is a brilliant blue. I love it. Sunshine and blue skies make me happy. But as I shared yesterday at the Ladies Bible Study, our happiness should not come from our surroundings, our circumstances. But we are to be happy, ie. have joy, ALL the time. 
Some days it may be a struggle to be joyful, but when we think of our salvation and our hope of spending eternity with the Almighty God, we can be joyful! 
Psalm 16:11 says that there is fullness of joy in the Lord's presence. So, when you are tempted to be discouraged, spend time with God. Then you will have true, lasting happiness. :) 

Thought I'd share a few pictures. I haven't taken many since I've been here. I know, I know, I was supposed to take a lot of pictures. But this is my fourth time here and it's kinda like home, so it's weird to have the camera out all the time. But I'll do better. :)

This picture reminds me of joy... 
out my window this morning

almost full moon (I have a hard time capturing the moon)

working upstairs during twilight hours

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