Thursday, January 30, 2014

1st Time Playing Ice Hockey

Remember when I said I wanted to learn a new sport this year? Well, I've been ice skating twice in about as many weeks. The first time I just focused on staying on my feet. My feet were sore after just 45 minutes of skating and we called it a night. 

This week decided to try it again. Was supposed to go with some friends Sunday night after church, but that didn't work out. So Monday after work I picked up my sister and we went to the rink. There were a few other people there also playing hockey. My sister brought some sticks and a couple pucks. I messed around with her, trying to pass the puck back and forth. J and M showed up a little later, so I stuck around for longer than I was planning for. They planned a couple games with some other guys on the rink; Nana and I kept passing the puck around. 

M challenged us to a game; he and my sister against me and his brother. My first game ever of Ice Hockey! I've played street hockey and floor hockey, but on ice is a whole different game. I haven't learned how to skate backwards or even stop abruptly, so all three of them pretty much skate circles around me. But I only fell a couple times during that hour and half of skating - that has to count for something, right? 

 I was just thinking about heading home, when I looked up and saw J horizontal on the ice and M standing over him. Thinking it was nothing, I skated over. That's when I saw the blood. Okay, so maybe it was something. 

first thought that something was really wrong

Course head wounds always bleed pretty heavily, so I wasn't overly concerned. I just wanted to be sure that it wasn't actually his eye that was hurt. Didn't look like it. After we took some pictures (at J's request, haha) I went inside with him to clean it up a little. I washed most of the blood off to see how bad of a cut it was and so he didn't look so scary. He split his eyebrow pretty good. 

black eye? how about a red eye? 

He went to the ER and found out he had a concussion, broken nose and gash that required 8 stitches. Amazing what a hockey stick can do to one's face!

Lesson #1 for playing Ice Hockey - wear a helmet!! 

after getting stitched up

I'm sure some of you are thinking, "uh, Barrie, why don't you pick a different sport to learn?" I would, but I LOVE HOCKEY. So guess it's time to invest in a helmet. :) 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Randomness from the Week

Been an interesting week. Guess I should learn that life will always be interesting. Last Saturday had a small part in a friend's wedding. I did two of the bridesmaids' hair, other last minute running around and served cake at the reception. I had forgotten how much work, but how much I enjoy doing weddings. 

wedding hair

at the wedding reception

After the dinner reception that night, my sister, friend and I went to a college basketball game cause a summer coworker was playing. He had a good game, but their team lost at the end. Couldn't quite decide who to cheer for - my friend's team or our local University's team who I normally cheer for. So just cheered for both. :) 

When we were leaving the parking lot I was pulled out in the lane waiting for a car in front of me to pull out of its parking spot. The car to my right decided to back out of its parking spot. That's cool, except I was sitting right behind her. She obviously didn't see me, cause she backed right into my front passenger door. So was a little while before I actually left and went home. Thankfully she has insurance and that issue should be resolved here soon. 

new dent on my car

This week was also filled with warm weather - lots of it. Normally January is our coldest month of the winter, not this year! We've had temps in the 20s and 30s most of the month and even into the 40s. I don't mind the warm weather, it's kinda nice. Except when it rains along with those warmer temps. Thursday and Friday the roads were pretty slick and icy. Thankfully DOT did a good job staying on top of things. They sanded and sanded the roads. Wasn't too bad in town, but outside of the city limits (like near my house) the roads were a little scary. I didn't drive home Thursday night; ended up leaving my car at work and getting a ride home with my dad. Days like that I wish I had a truck or a SUV or even a subaru. 

The morning the roads were the worst, I had to take a coworker to the Emergency Room. I took it pretty slow, she probably wondered if we'd ever get to the hospital. But we made it! And because the roads were so bad, my office closed early, so I didn't have to go back to work. I forget what it's like to drive around town and do what I want in the middle of the afternoon - when the suns shining! We are gaining sunlight now each day, but still drive to work in the dark and head home in the dark. So thankful my office has big windows! I can actually enjoy the sunlight during the middle of the day. 

Finished off the week with Hockey. Friday night our team had a shut out and Saturday night was like a different team was playing and our opponents shut us out. Our women's team also had their first homegames ever. I wasn't able to make it to those games, but we played well from the report I got; 7-0 and 10-0. 

Because it was so warm and everything melting, part of our driveway is ice. My sister actually skated on our driveway today! Fun for her, but not so cool for the rest of us who are parking there and then trying to drive out each morning. Thankfully I haven't had much of a problem with my car. My feet on the other hand... I literally fell into my driver's seat the other day cause my foot slipped. Ha. 

skating on our driveway

Friday, January 17, 2014

Ramblings in a Winter Wonderland

Days like today, it sure is hard to have a bad attitude.... here it is the middle of January in the interior of Alaska and it is a balmy 27 degrees above zero! And it's supposed to last for another week or so. The sun is shining, we are gaining daylight every day now and it is downright GORGEOUS outside! 

This week didn't turn out how I had anticipated. I had plans to go running three days this week and I've only managed one day. I had no intention of getting so sick on Wednesday that I left work late morning, went home and spent the rest of the day in bed. Had some errands I needed to run and yep, they haven't been accomplished yet. But even with all that, it's been a good week! 

I'm learning to be more flexible and more spontaneous in life. (influence of a good friend who's a little too spontaneous, ha!) Working at enjoying the little things in life and not getting stressed about things out of my control. God is in control - I can trust Him with my life, even if that includes flat tires at below zero, a car that barely makes it home, relationships I don't like, etc. There are always something to rejoice about! 

this morning's "pre-sunrise"

When lunchtime came around today, I sure didn't want to be inside! So went for a walk at Creamers! 
Sun shining bright + snow glistening + friendship enjoyable + coffee hot = perfect lunch! 

Alaskan afternoon

enjoying the warm weather! 

Not every day has beautiful weather, but every day can be beautiful! The joy of the Lord can be yours every day no matter the weather outside or the burdens inside your heart. 

Choose Joy!  

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 Goals

What is it that you want to accomplish in 2014? A new year, a clean slate, a fresh start.... it's all there for your choices to fill up with. A friend asked me last week what was on my list to accomplish for this year. I hadn't really thought about it, so I took some time to.... 

I thought of a few things I'd like to do/complete this year. Maybe if I put them on here for all the world to see, I'll have more motivation to work at them. :) 

First - I want to memorize the entire book of Philippians. 
Whew, lofty goal, right? well, I think I can do it! I've read stories of people who have memorized huge portions of the Bible, so if they can do it, so can I! It just takes a bit of time. If I set aside a few minutes each day, it won't be that hard. Feel free to ask me through out the year, how that's coming along. 

Second - Run a 5K race. 
Not just be able to run 5kms, but an actual race. Preferably this summer, since I live in Alaska and there isn't many races in the winter time. :) I have Amber as my inspiration. I've never been much of a runner, but since I've started, it's been enjoyable. 

Third - Learn a new sport. 
I live in Alaska..... and I've never skied, snowboarded or played hockey. Crazy, right? Well, I'm planning on changing that. Probably will be terrible at whichever one I try, but am going to at least try! Last summer, I played tennis for the first time and loved it! Thinking I might try to take a few lessons this summer, so I can really know what I'm doing. Ha. any other ideas? 

Fourth - visit (at least) three new countries. 
Those I've mentioned this one too, say that should be easy for me. But not necessarily. I love most of the places I've been to, so always want to go back.... I have to plan and schedule for the new ones. Any guesses on what countries it will be this year? 

As of right now, that's all on my list, but maybe I'll do something new and exciting this year that I haven't even thought of yet! What about you? Anything you are striving to accomplish this year? You have 358 days left to get it done! 

Set those goals and start working!! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome 2014

I know everyone says this every year, but time sure does fly! 
2013 was a full and exciting year. There were rough days and joyful days. There were moments I cried and many, many moments I laughed. With all that happened this year, I'm even more thankful to my God for being with me every step of the way. He is my constant. 
To recap....

2013 started with me sick in bed. What a way to start the year eh? I was fine New Year's Eve, but four hours into the year found me rushing for the outhouse. Not a pleasant thing in the dark and frigid 4am. 

After recovering from that nasty bug, I enjoyed the first part of the year.... I was in Mongolia, which I consider my second home. Those first few weeks of the year were a restful time for me. Life is a much slower pace in the villages of Mongolia, so I had a lot of time to spend with my Saviour and in His Word. I see now He was preparing me for the trials that were coming.

sunrise in Khatgal, Mongolia

I continued traveling through the first few months of the year and it was during this time that God manifested His grace to me in amazing ways. The trials I faced last February and March, can't say I would have chosen them if given an choice. But I do know my God loves me and He provided the grace and strength to face the mountains that stood in the way of my peace and joy. Without a doubt, I drew closer to God through those dark days; He was all I had to cling to. It was an incredible comfort to realize that my Saviour experienced many of the same emotions I was dealing with and to remember that I had the Holy Spirit within me. 

"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:15-16

I had just recently memorized these verses from Hebrews chapter four. Never ceases to amaze me how God prepares us long before we have to face a hardship. He was already working in my life before the blow occurred. What a loving God!

traveling in Central Asia - living day by day with God's grace

This summer I said goodbye to a dear friend, who moved to Texas. I had the awesome privilege of working with her for several years. She was a constant encouragement, source of laughter, sounding-board, advice giver and prayer warrior. She may have started out just as a coworker, but now I count her as a dear friend. Thanks, Shelia, for your heart for God and the blessing you've been in my life. I pray that I can be a blessing to others as much as you were to me! 

being blessed

Some people God places in your life to bless and encourage you. Some people He places in your life so you can encourage them. So thankful I have the opportunity to bless others as God has blessed me. This year has been a challenge in many ways, but every step of the way God granted wisdom, strength and grace. I'm incredibly grateful I was able to pass that on to those I love very much. 

being a blessing

Summer 2013 was another great one. I do believe Alaska has some of the best summers ever! It's beautiful here and never too hot. (for which I'm very grateful) I worked at the airport parttime again and enjoyed my (most) nights of work. Watching the sunsets at 2am is pretty awesome. Had a blast floating the Chena River and hunting along another Alaskan river farther north. Hiking Angel Rocks at night is now a part of my summers - a tradition that will have to continue. Would be nice if we didn't have to sleep in the summer, there's so much to do and enjoy. :) 

2013 began with being away from home and the travels continued till almost the end. End of October through beginning of December, I spent on the road. Covered three states, one city in Canada and the entire largest island of Fiji in about seven weeks. Fiji was new territory to me, so was able to mark one more country off my list to visit. :) 

enjoying friends in Canada

being crazy in Fiji

This Holiday season had the extra blessing to be at home with family. The past two Christmas' I was either in another US state or another country. Almost forgot how crazy my family is at Christmas time. :) We had a great time in anticipation of Christmas Day and a relaxing day to celebrate our Saviour's birth. 

Christmas Sunday on Bus route

Well, 2013 was exciting. and painful. and thrilling. and joyful. and rewarding. It was marked with new adventures. dear friends. good food. travel. memories to be remembered. new friends and old. 
It was a good year. 

My prayer for 2014 is that I would be yielded to whatever God puts in my path. I want to continue to grow and be stretched by Him. He knows me best and understands what things are necessary for me to be conformed into His image. 
Hopefully a year from today I will be more like my Saviour. It all starts with a decision today....