Friday, January 17, 2014

Ramblings in a Winter Wonderland

Days like today, it sure is hard to have a bad attitude.... here it is the middle of January in the interior of Alaska and it is a balmy 27 degrees above zero! And it's supposed to last for another week or so. The sun is shining, we are gaining daylight every day now and it is downright GORGEOUS outside! 

This week didn't turn out how I had anticipated. I had plans to go running three days this week and I've only managed one day. I had no intention of getting so sick on Wednesday that I left work late morning, went home and spent the rest of the day in bed. Had some errands I needed to run and yep, they haven't been accomplished yet. But even with all that, it's been a good week! 

I'm learning to be more flexible and more spontaneous in life. (influence of a good friend who's a little too spontaneous, ha!) Working at enjoying the little things in life and not getting stressed about things out of my control. God is in control - I can trust Him with my life, even if that includes flat tires at below zero, a car that barely makes it home, relationships I don't like, etc. There are always something to rejoice about! 

this morning's "pre-sunrise"

When lunchtime came around today, I sure didn't want to be inside! So went for a walk at Creamers! 
Sun shining bright + snow glistening + friendship enjoyable + coffee hot = perfect lunch! 

Alaskan afternoon

enjoying the warm weather! 

Not every day has beautiful weather, but every day can be beautiful! The joy of the Lord can be yours every day no matter the weather outside or the burdens inside your heart. 

Choose Joy!  


  1. Beautiful pictures! Can you send some of that "warm" weather our way? ;)


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