Bucket List

Decided to follow a friend's example.... :]
Blue indicates already done!

Visit as many countries as I can! 
those I've been to..... 
USA, Canada, *Japan, China, Mongolia, India, *Iceland, England, Hungary, Austria, *Latvia, Lithuania, *Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan, *Sri Lanka, Fiji, UAE, *Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria, Moldova, France, Tunisia, *Italy, Wales, Scotland
*only in the airport

Visit -
The Great Wall, Pyramids, Taj Mahal, Sydney Opera House, Big Ben, Petra, the Colosseum, Machu Picchu, Leaning Tower of PisaEiffel Tower, St. Petersburg's Cathedral, Cathage Ruins
Grand Canyon, Mount St. Helen, Amazon River, Niagara Falls, Lake Victoria & Victoria Falls, Nile River, Coral Reefs off Australia's coast, Old Faithful, the Himalayan mountains

Learn another language

Go skydiving

Write a book

Help in a Bible Translation project

Travel by boat, plane, train, helicopter, motorcycle, scooter (3 second ride counts, right?)rickshaw and bus

Get flowers at work

Earn a B.A.

Talk to a Barrie in Dundee, Scotland

Stand on Greenfield Street in Barrie, Ontario

Celebrate my birthday in a foreign country

Spray paint the rock between NP and Eielson

Go on my dad's trapline

Shoot a moose, bear and Dall sheep

Visit every state of the Union - been to 43 thus far

Travel the length of the Tanana River

Visit New England in Autumn

Cross country Road Trip

Whitewater rafting

Work in a coffee shop

Eat Peking Duck in Peking (Beijing)

Ride the Trans-Siberian Railroad

Go to a Broadway Show (Phantom of the Opera)

Work at an airport

Go to a NFL, NHL, NBA game

Get my pilot's license

Book a flight for the next day

Step foot in all 4 oceans
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic

Attend a Live Concert

Be in a movie

Fly home without telling anyone

Work overseas

Attend an Olympic Event (preferably a hockey game!)

Get my CDL

Run a 5K race

Meet the president/prime minister of a country

Own a truck or SUV

Learn to ski and snowboard

Work as a waitress

Watch the Alaska Nanooks play in the NCAA Frozen Four Tournament

Attend the Estonian Music Festival

Learn how to play an instrument


  1. Very interesting list! Are you going to tick them off as you go along? You should. That way we can watch your progress. :)

    Blessings on your journeys,
    Angie Berg

  2. I JUST now noticed that you put a bucket list on your blog! I must be blind, ha! It made me laugh to read "be a flower girl" since it would be funny to see you be a flower girl now!! If I ever decide to get married you can be my flower girl! ;P
    I don't know if I put the TransSiberian railway on my bucket list or not, I should go check, cuz I definitely want to do it. So let's do it together! =)

  3. Oh and also, I would LOOOVEEEE to go back to Petra someday. Jordan is such an interesting place. So if you go, take me with you!! =)


I love comments! Don't leave without saying hi! :)