Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend in Oklahoma

This past weekend, I headed up to Tornado Country in Oklahoma. I really wanted to see a tornado, since I've never seen one before. Everyone told me I was crazy, but hey, life has to be exciting somehow!! :) But I didn't get to see one... maybe next time! 
Friday night I stayed at the Burnett's house again. Always a blast there. I brought them some Alaska Salmon... not sure if they were more excited to see me or the salmon. ;) But we had an awesome dinner with the salmon, asparagus from their garden, garlic mashed potatoes and rolls. 

preparing the salmon

After dinner, we sat around and talked... and talked.... and talked.... until we finally decided to play a game. Which produced lots of laughter as always.... 
But the highlight of my stay with them, was Saturday morning, 6 of us got up early (for a Saturday) and went out to do some target practice. :D I had my trusty firearm and Caleb had a couple handguns. I've been wanting to go shooting all winter, but its never worked out, so I was thrilled! We went thru about 250 rounds in an hour. I shot first and by the end of my clip, I was crying.... lol actually there was a cold wind, so while I was trying to aim, my eyes kept watering and I couldn't focus on the target. It happened to everyone else too, so we were all "emotional." 
Was a great time! and then we went back to the house for delicious breakfast! 
I've decided that the Burnetts are now my "Oklahoma family." I miss the interaction in a big family, so I love being with them. Though they probably think I'm crazy.... but who doesn't!?

Saturday I headed up to Oklahoma City to see some friends at Heartland Baptist College. A few of them I hadn't seen in two years or so and one I hadn't see in 8 years! Most didn't know I was coming, so I got to surprise two girls. They were pretty thrilled I was there. :) Had a great time catching up with them and meeting new people. Then that night headed back to TX. Sleep depraved weekend, but oh SO worth it!!! 
Friends are definitely worth losing sleep over! 


  1. Hey, Barrie! It was wonderful to have you here at Heartland with us for a few days! I'm so glad we got to spend some time together. Having another Alaskan in Oklahoma reminded me of just how great our state is. =)

    Take care! Praying for you.


  2. yeah, Alaska is amazing! :) good to see you girls!

  3. Nice Pic of you shooting that gun! haha kidding!

  4. ha, yeah i didn't like the ones of me shooting, so I didn't post any of those. :)


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