Last week I fulfilled a long time wish to accompany my father on his trapline. Previously, it never worked out with my work/school schedule. So, I determined after I finished school back in December, I would make it happen sometime this winter before the season is over.
We hit the trail Friday once the sun came up and away we went- into a Winter Wonderland. It was a bit overcast, but very light, making it truly a silvery fairyland. Many times the trail narrowed to a single track, fully lined with frosted crystal willows or spruce trees. It was amazing to behold and I was ever reminded of my Creator and his stupendous designs. Both days on the trail were filled with glorious beauty.
The trapline provides ample opportunity to think. Being on a snowmachine for 3-4 hours at a time leaves a lot of time to think, pray and reflect. And of course, there is no cell phone reception. It was refreshing to disengage from the fast-paced world for a couple days.
And we did get a few animals. Which is what we wanted, after all it is a trapline. :) We didn't have any big animals, but it was still exciting to see our catch. After 20+ years of trapping, I've finally saw what my dad did for all those years. It's hard work, not a job for the faint of heart. It was 15-20 degrees above zero this trip, but even at those warm temps, you get cold after hours, upon hours outside in the elements. And he's gone out many times at sub-zero temps, even 40 below at times.
Ahhhh so beautiful!!