Well, those of you who know me know that sometimes my life gets a little crazy. Even when I don't try to be, things just happen to me. :) This week the school gave us half of Thursday and all of Friday off from classes. There is a missions conference in Austin, TX (about 4-5 hours south of us) and they wanted us to be able to go if we so desired. So, us 4 single girls decided to go, along with Tim our Phonetics teacher and his wife Cara. Two of the girls rode with Tim & Cara and my roommate Nicole and I followed them in my car. After morning class we headed out on the road. I had to stop and fill my tires at the gas station, so I did that while Tim stopped to get some food. I filled my tires and started to go meet the others, when I realized I filled my tires, but I forgot to get gas. Ugh, two U-turns later, I was back at the gas station. Now I was in hurry, cause Tim wanted to get there in plenty of time before the service started. Pulled up to the pump, threw open my car door and hopped out.... SPLASH!! My left foot was completely submerged in a large, deep puddle. sigh. Ok, fill the car and lets go.... nope. Sometime I had never done before.... I had pulled into the pump on the wrong side. So, get back into the car and turn it around, so I can fill it up. Finally accomplished my goal, now to meet Tim and we're back on the road.
About an hour down the road, everything is grand. Slightly rainy, but beautiful skies (notice I didn't say scenery, I'm still not sure about this state). :) I noticed this mini-van entering the freeway behind me two lanes to my right. No big deal, but I felt uneasy about it. They changed lanes and were now right next to me. Sure enough, a minute later, she was trying to change lanes into MY lane! Praise the Lord there was no one in the lane on my left side and I swerved over. She noticed and it scared us both immensely! Later she pulled up next to me and apologized. I think she was more shaken than I was.
Thankfully, we had no other incidents on the way down, except for a little bumper to bumper traffic once we hit Austin. But we made it to church in plenty of time. Thats enough for one day, right?
wrong again.
That night after the church service, we were headed to the place were three of us are staying for the weekend. Its dark and I had looked it up online, but forgot to write the directions down, so I asked my friend. We've got a map and away we go..... it was a 45 minute drive from the church and only took us about an hour and 10 minutes. :) yep, we got "lost." It wasn't totally lost, because I knew how to get back to where we started. After several phone calls and text msgs, we arrived at our destination. Thank You, Lord!!
Even though it was an interesting day and at some moments frustrating, I must say - GOD IS GOOD!!!
It was SO refreshing to be at the conference last night. It was almost like being back home in my own church. And I even had friends there from my church back home. The singing was amazing and the preaching excellent. Let me tell you, My LORD is a truly Amazing God! He is with me through everything I go thru. And He is so patient with me day after day. There is no God like my God. Do you know Him?